Advice & Support
Treatment and Management

Pelvic Floor Exercising

Supports and helps control bladder and bowel function. Strengthening the pelvic floor can improve most types of incontinence and in some cases, even resolve it altogether.

Published by Jane Granger
Pelvic Floor Exercising

Exercising your pelvic floor

Perhaps the most common cause of urinary incontinence in women is a weakened pelvic floor muscle that struggles to keep urine retained when put under pressure from a sneeze, laugh, cough or physical activity like lifting or jumping. This is known as Stress Incontinence.

The weakness can be exacerbated by pregnancy, childbirth, repetitive high impact exercise like running, carrying excess weight, repeated lifting and general aging. However, like all muscles, simple exercises can improve strength and over time, significantly reduce and in many cases, eliminate the incidence of a weak bladder.

Another option is to consult a continence physiotherapist who can develop an individually tailored program as well as assist in monitoring progress.

View our range of Pelvic Floor Exercises in our Exercise Zone.